Sunday, December 27, 2009

Second Life

I have had a read about second life and now have a second life name 'Ariel Aumenie'. I am not sure that I am too keen on uising this as a teaching tool with my students. (only due to it being the unknown) I don't have a personal interest in second life, although in saying that I can see how it would be fun and innovative for some students. It would certainley help with motivation for youth.

I could see that it would lend itself to the course I faciliate in some ways, if I was to implement it into my teaching (I teach Early Childhood). I could set up a virtual classroom and let the students practice their teaching skills, run some activities and evaluate their teaching. I could set up some scenarios around special needs and behaviour management and students will use strategies to assist children with these. I would offer suggestions to students, assist them with questions and offer alternative strategies if I thought this was needed.

The students could set up their own actvities in secind life and roleplay implementing them with each other. They could peer assess and evaluate. I could observe these and offer feedback as a facilitator.

A very interesting way to learn and I would need to do some more research and pratice before using this as an online tool.

1 comment:

  1. second Life is for 18+ years so would be no good for your area of teaching. But I wonder how you'd be able to use children's virtual worlds for teaching like ...Habbo Hotel for example?
